[Day 17] Wed. March 2nd

It was back to school today. ….Only one class though 🙂 At 1pm all of us had our first Drawing for Design class. Its in a pretty open studio with no air conditioning which is not quite ideal but we’ll live. I really liked our teacher. He is an older man who made his living doing hand drawn animations. This is perfect because our assignments already have a bit of animation in them. We have to draw 7 frames of a hand closing into a fist and then make an animated .gif file out of our sequence. This class is going to take us back to the basics of drawing. For the first time I appreciate taking the step back. I really want to improve my skills this semester instead of just working to get a good grade. Oh and we got a free pack of art supplies because we’re international students! I was very excited because I didn’t bring any with me.

After class Stephen and I hung around to take some pictures of the campus. The rest of the day has been very peaceful. After a stop by the grocery store I made myself a wonderful dinner and painted my toenails. Now I’m going to work on my drawing assignment. Don’t want to fall behind.

Fun fact: At A&M all the buildings have names such as “Langford” and “Koldus”. Here the buildings are simply lettered. For example I have classes in N block, B block, W block, etc.

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1 Response to [Day 17] Wed. March 2nd

  1. nadia says:

    Krista! I have been keeping up with your blog and everything sounds amazing!! The campus looks a million times better than A&M haha. Have a good day!

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